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  2. Wallet eröffnen und Zugangsdaten sicher ablegen
  3. Boss Info-Aktien mit nachstehendem Formular kaufen und zu Wallet hinzufügen

Anleitung zur Aktionariat-App


Etherscan ist eine Analyseplattform für die Ethereum-Blockchain. Sie erlaubt Ihnen als Benutzer, auf Transaktionsdaten sowie Aktivitäten der Ethereum-Base zuzugreifen und Transaktionen in Echtzeit zu verfolgen.

Die Informationen auf dieser Seite sind keine Investitionsempfehlung, jede Investition in Aktien unterliegt dem Unternehmerrisiko. Ein Wertverlust bis 100% des eingesetzten Kapitals ist möglich.

Important Notices: Public offering is only open to persons domiciled in Switzerland and in the EEA: This offering to purchase the shares is only open to persons domiciled or resident in Switzerland or in the EEA. Persons from other countries are expressly excluded and it is prohibited to distribute this offering in any way in such countries. The offering is limited in Switzerland to CHF 8,000,000 per year and in the EEA to €100,000 per year. No guarantee regarding forecasts: This website contains forward-looking statements and forecasts relating to the future development of the company and its business. These forecasts are estimates that we have made on the basis of all the information available to us at the present time. Should the assumptions underlying these forecasts fail to occur or if risks should materialize, then actual developments and outcomes might deviate from current forecasts. No investment advice or recommendation: This website contains general information on the offering. This information does not constitute any replacement for financial advice based on the investor's individual circumstances and knowledge. Each person has sole responsibility for seeking the advice of qualified experts in order to assess the suitability of the offering and the associated risks for his or her own financial situation, as well as the tax consequences of potential participation in the offering. Risks: An investment in the company involves significant risk, such as (i) risks related to the business and industry in which the company operates, (ii) operational and financial risks, (iii) risks relating to laws and regulations and (iv) risks relating to the shares in the company. Several factors could adversely affect the business, legal or financial position of the company or the value of its securities. Should one or more of these or other risks and uncertainties materialize, actual results may vary significantly from those described on this website and the offering material. An investment in the company is suitable only for investors who understand the risk factors associated with this type of investment and who can afford a loss of all or part of their investment. Terms: The Widget Terms apply to the use of the BrokerBot and the Secondaries Module (the "Widgets"). Please read the Widget Terms carefully before using the Widgets. All transactions through the Widgets are solely between the company and the user. Any price indicated on the Widgets may be arbitrary and does not indicate that this is a "fair market value" of the shares. Any shares sold through the Widget are sold without any representations or warranties whatsoever.

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