Continuous strategy with Microsoft 365

SharePoint Online replaces Valo Intranet

A few weeks ago, Staffbase and Valo officially announced that Valo solutions will be discontinued as of July 2025. As a Valo solution partner, Boss Info has a broad Valo customer base affected by this move. Even before the official announcement, the collaboration specialists at Boss Info, together with the product managers, had been reflecting on the portfolio’s focus in terms of intranet solutions and had been evaluating several options.

With its clear focus on SharePoint Online and other Microsoft 365 services, Boss Info is pursuing a sustainable and ongoing strategy. Customers of Boss Info were informed at the end of August about the new focus and the next steps.

The advantages of SharePoint Online and Microsoft 365

How you will benefit from the Microsoft solution and clear strategic focus:

  • No dependencies on third-party vendors
  • Assurance of continuous development by Microsoft
  • No additional license costs
  • Integrierte Automatisierungs-Möglichkeit mit Power Automate, Power Apps und Power Virtual Agents
  • Use of Viva services, especially Viva Connection to integrate intranet content into Teams

Existing Valo customers already have SharePoint Online environments and generally use other M365 services. The migration from Valo to a native SharePoint Online environment is comparatively simple. In an internal test, Boss Info has already migrated its own intranet to SharePoint Online.

Usability for editorial staff and employees

One of the known weaknesses of SP Online is the unstructured and unguided capture of content. Boss Info provides the “Toolbox Button” to all customers. This guides the editors and authors through the creation process, in a way to which they are accustomed from Valo and other CMS systems

All Valo concepts, such as keywording, are based on SharePoint technology and can still be used. Usability and continuity for editorial staff and employees is therefore guaranteed.

Mapping of governance and lifecycle management in Teams

Boss Info relies on Solutions2Share for the administration and assurance of governance, security requirements for guest users and the lifecycle management of Teams rooms Solutions2Share. The solution fits perfectly into the area of interplay between intranet information and Teams collaboration and covers all requirements. It is quickly introduced and easy to use.

If you have any questions

please do not hesitate to contact us!

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