Secure and flexible IT infrastructure with bossCloud

“Plug-in” ICT cloud services

Cloud computing is a specific way to use IT services. All you need is a web browser and a fast, secure Internet connection – you don’t have to worry about the software or hardware. These are sometimes called “Plug-in ICT services”.

Applications and data come from Boss Info’s highly secure data center. You can use them from anywhere with any end device on a subscription basis. You can combine business-critical services such as Microsoft Dynamics from the private cloud – securely, within your company network – with other services from the public cloud – for less sensitive data on other servers in other data centers, networks or countries – for maximum productivity. This results in a hybrid cloud.

The bossCloud is secure and much more flexible than a separate ICT infrastructure, which also has to be managed by your own staff. The data remain in Switzerland, and they belong to you. Only the authorized users have access to them – and no one else.

bossCloud guarantees the availability, performance and security of the cloud infrastructure, and therefore the services you have subscribed to, around the clock, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The bossCloud primarily gives you organizational and financial advantages. Investment costs become running costs. The ICT infrastructure makes it quick and easy to map growth. New users, services or features can be added at the touch of a button. The ICT infrastructure takes up less space in your premises – and you can focus on your core expertise.

Comprehensive advice is required in order to get the maximum financial, operational and productive benefits from bossCloud. Boss Info specialists have extensive experience operating local infrastructures and cloud services. They will be happy to show you the data and processes which are suitable for the cloud and those which are less suitable.

Advantages of bossCloud

You only subscribe to those services that you and your staff actually need. This reduces operating costs and provides the necessary flexibility to purchase ICT services only when they are actually needed. You focus on your core expertise and not on IT.

Users can access their familiar work environment from anywhere at any time with a browser or mobile app.

Information and infrastructure have the optimum physical and digital protection.

A clever combination of different cloud services helps you work more effectively.

We are your expert partner

Have any questions about plug-in cloud and ICT cloud services?

Talk to us

Christian Stecher

Head of Team ICT BUILD / Deputy Head of ICT

+41 31 850 16 33

Christian Zimmermann

Solution Architect / Security Officer

+41 31 964 00 06